VM Submission

Send an email to evilpwnctf@protonmail.com with the following content :

VM Submission
1. VM Name
2. Difficulty (Very Easy / Easy / Medium / Medium-Hard / Hard / Insane)
3. Maker(s) Username(s)
4. OS (Linux / Windows etc)
5. VM Size
6. Platform (We suggest you to use VMware, but VirtualBox is acceptable too)
7. Writeup of the box (any format .txt/.pdf etc)
8. Download Link

VM MUST Properties

VM Submission
1. Flag under /root/root.txt
2. Flag Format EVILPWNCTF{sha256_string}
3. IP address under /etc/issue, you can use this \4{eth0} or \4{ens33}

VM Makers will receive @[VM Maker] role on EvilPWN CTF Server.